And I just love this little groundcover.
It will grow where much little else will grow. Try it in a hanging basket, it looks amazing :-)
Persicaria capitata is a native of Asia. It is a trailing, perennial, evergreen prostrate herb with a slender, woody root-stock and long slender, creeping, rooting stems. It has alternate ovate leaves are 1–6 cm long, 0.7–3 cm wide with a reddish midrib with fine coloured hairs, giving a distinctive red ‘V’ pattern, The leaves become red when the plant is under stress, but it still looks great!
NZ$ 9.99 including GST
NZ$ 8.69 excluding GST
Available soon - please inquire
We don't have any in stock, but more can be . Don't miss out!
In some areas this may be considered a pest plant but it is NOT a legally declared pest plant. We encourage you to plant this in a pot or garden areas that are hard to grow and that will not interfere with other Native vegetation.
When trimming the vegetation you may want to consider composting it in your own property or burn it to stop it from dispersing into other areas.
Persicaria capitata has been widely used in China in the treatment of various urologic disorders including urinary calculus and urinary tract.